
已售 188
1. —Hi, Wang Xin,nice to meet you!  
—Hi, Liu Hui, _____________________
A. nice to meet you too.
B. how do you do?
C. I'm fine, thank you.
2. — Hi! How are you doing?
— ________________
A. That's all right
B. How are you doing?
C. I'm doing well.
3. —What is your major?
A. Li Mei .
B. A fresh man .
C. Education.
4. —How about going to the class together?
A. Of course not.
B. That sounds great.
C. I don't like it.
5. —Albert, this is Jim.  
—______________ Jim?
A. Pleased to see you,
B. How do you do,
C. Thank you,
6. They work in the same company and they are __________ with each other.
A. good
B. familiar
C. interested
7. Bai Mei don't know Liu Hui, so Zhuang Hua _________ her to Liu Hui.
A. introduce
B. speak
C. talk
8. Social workers should learn how to _________ people.
A. look at
B. look into
C.  look after
9. I would _________ any weakness and any fear.
A. come
B. overcome
C. throw
10. When you feel _________, you should go to see a doctor.
A. sick
B. safe
C. Sad
11. I _____________ an Open University student.
A. am
B. are
C. is
12. They _____________ some social work at the weekends.
A. do
B. does
C. did
13. People can't live without____________ sun.
A. a
B. an
C. the
14. She is ____________ General Manager of___________ big company.
A. a, an
B. the, a
C. a, the
15. I enjoy__________ books in the library.
A. read
B. reading
C. to read
16. 二、阅读理解:选择题(每题10分)
Social Workers
  Social workers help people overcome problems and make their lives better. If people are homeless, sick, or having family problems, social workers will work with them. If students have trouble in school, social workers help them too.
  Social workers help these people in different ways. One way is to find resources for people. They find out what kinds of help people need. Then, they set up programs to meet the needs of the individual12. They may focus on child abuse, poverty, violence, and other problems. For someone with family difficulties, social workers may find a parenting class or a support group. For a homeless person, they may find a place for them to live and a career training program. For a student, they may find a mentor or a learning disability expert.
  Many social workers give counseling. They talk to people about their lives and help them understand and solve their problems and to make plans.
  Most social workers spend the day in an office. Some travel to the people they help. Sometimes, they meet with people in the evening or on weekends. Social workers can be very busy when they are helping many people at once.
According to the text, what is not social workers'job?    (1)   
A. to help people with family problems   
B. to make people's lives better
C. to do the housework for people
2. For someone with family problems, social workers will   (2)    .
A. find them a place to live           
B. find them a career training program      
C. find them a parenting class
3. Social workers build    (3)     to provide the help for people in need.
A. problems       B. days      C. resources  
4. Which of the following sentence is not true?   (4)   
A. Social workers give some advice to people.
B. Most social workers think of their job as boring.
C. Social workers may help many people at a time.
5. The main point of this passage is about   (5)    .
A. How busy social workers are
B. How social workers do their job
C. How tired social workers are
17. 二、阅读理解:判断正误题(每题10分)
  Hi, I am Zhao Xin from Beijing. I just enrolled at The Open University last month. Now I'm a freshman at the School of Social Work. As a social work major, I can help take care of the homeless and sick people, talk to them and accompany them, do the cleaning and other house chores. I enjoy helping people and want to live a meaningful life.
  I love being a social worker. I used to look after the elderly at a nursing home when I was in middle school. It gives me a feeling of pride to bring happiness to others. I want to make a difference in the world.
Zhao Xin is studying in the Open University now.    (1)   
2. His major is marketing.    (2)   
3. He is looking after the elderly at a nursing home nowadays.    (3)   
4. He wants to change the world and make it better.    (4)   
5. He is proud of being a social worker.   (5)   
18. 二、阅读理解:完形填空题(每空10分)
    Social work helps people to have a    (1)     life. In many cases this requires the social worker to help people to overcome the negatives in their lives. Social work includes from helping a    (2)     to get into college to counseling a person with illness. In most cases the role of a social worker is to help people to    (3)     the skills.
   Most of the time a social worker is going to be dealing    (4)     people who are having a difficult time. Often poverty plays a big part in the need for the services of social worker. Social workers often interview people to get an understanding of the problem. From there the social worker will help them to come up with a plan to    (5)     their situation.
A. good                        B. better                 C. rich
2. A. student                    B. doctor                 C. lawyer
3. A. take                         B. think                   C. develop
4. A. with                          B. on                      C. in
5. A. change                     B. meet                  C. improve
Zhang Dan is good at swimming.    (1)   
   A. 张丹喜欢游泳。
   B. 张丹不
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